Post by steven on Jan 17, 2014 17:25:25 GMT
My deity has a favourite weapon and its a sxx txy!
Post by mike on Jan 19, 2014 14:59:16 GMT
Stephen - just need to run this by you
I believe I can get to Mystic Theurge at level 5 (see below) Let me know if you think this is too powerful or unbalancing
There is a magical trait that allows you pick one class and treat its caster level as up to two levels higher as long as it does not exceed you character level.
So (if I am reading this right), the following is possible:
Select the Magical Knack and assign the Wizard class (actually this works either way around)
Charater Level 1 Select one spellcasting class (doesn't matter which) Druid 1 (CL 1)
Charater Level 2 Select the other spellcasting class Druid 1 (CL 1) / Wizard 1 (CL 2) (note the wizard caster level)
Charater Level 3 Select the class that was NOT selected for Magical Knack trait Druid 2 (CL 2) / Wizard 1 (CL 3) (again, note the wizard caster level)
Charater Level 4 Again select the class that was NOT selected for Magical Knack trait Druid 3 (CL 3) / Wizard 1 (CL 3)
Character Level 5 The character now meets the basic requirements for taking the Mystic Theurge class (i.e. ability to cast 2nd level arcane and 2nd level divine spells)
Which means you can do: Druid 3 (CL 4) / Wizard 1 (CL 4) / Mystic Theurge 1
The skill requirements (3 ranks in both Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (religion)) are easy enough to pick up along the way
Post by Stephen Mawson on Jan 19, 2014 16:25:21 GMT
Unfortunately it doesn't quite work that way. Caster level isn't what determines what number and level of spells you can cast. It's your actual level in that class that determines what level of spells you can cast.
So given the example above, your 4th level character would be a 3rd level druid, and so be able to cast 2nd level druid spells, they would only be a 1st level wizard however so would only have the spell slots available to a first level wizard. So only 1st level spells.
However the character would cast any wizard spells as if they were caster level 3, which would mean that for example any spells whose damage increases with caster level, such as magic missile where you get extra missiles every 3 caster levels, they count as being a higher level when casting that spell than they actually are. So if your character cast a magic missile they would get 2 missiles even though they are only a level 1 wizard as their caster level as a wizard is 3 not 1.
Hopefully this make sense.
That trait is quite good as it gives your spells more oomph than they would normally have at your level, but it doesn't give you extra spells, that would be massively powerful.
Post by mike on Jan 19, 2014 17:13:45 GMT
OK Stephen -- clearly I was mis-interpreting the effect of the trait
I thought it was caster level that detirmined spell progression not class level, so glad that's cleared up
Post by mike on Jan 23, 2014 22:34:31 GMT
Kendra Forest-walker human female, age 17 Druid 1 (favoured class, +1 skill rank)
Stats: Str 12 (+1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 15 (+3) Wis 15 (+3) Chr 10 (+0)
Hit Dice: 1d8 +2 (Con) = 10 hp
Armour Class: 10 +2 (Dex) + 2 (armour) = 14 Touch: 10 +2 (Dex) = 12 Flat-footed: 10 +2 (armour) = 12
Saves: Fortitude +2 (base) +2 (Con) = +4 Reflex +0 (base) +2 (Dex) = +2 Will +2 (base) +3 (Wis) = +5
Base Attack Bonus (BAB): +0 = +0 Attack (melee): +0 (BAB) +1 (Str) = +1 Attack (missile): +0 (BAB) +2 (Dex) = +2 Combat Maneuver Bonus (CAB): +0 (BAB) +1 (Str) = +1 Combat Maneuver Defense (CMB): 10 +0 (BAB) +1 (Str) + 2 (Dex) = 13
Initiative: +2
Concentration Druid: d20 +3 (Wis) Wizard: d20 +3 (Int)
Feats: (druid + 1 (1st level) + 1 (human) ) Nature Sense, Orisons, Wild Empathy Nature Bond (Domain: Plant) Spell Focus (conjuration) (+1 DC on saves for this school) Augment Summoning (+4 Str & +4 Con for summoned creatures)
Traits: (2) Caretaker (+1 to Heal checks) Magical Knack (wizard) (+2 caster levels, max = current hit dice)
Languages: Common, Druidic, Sylvan, Tengu, Wildling
Skills: (4 + 3 + 1 (human) + 1 (favoured class) = 9) Climb (Str) (+1 (ranks) +1 (Str) +3 (class skill) = +5) Heal (Wis) (+1 (ranks) +3 (Wis) +3 (class skill) +1 (caretaker) = +8) Knowledge (geography) (Int) (+1 (ranks) +3 (Int) +3 (class skill) +1 = +7) Knowledge (nature) (Int) (+1 (ranks) +3 (Int) +3 (class skill) +2 (nature sense) = +9) Perception (Wis) (+1 (ranks) +3 (Wis) +3 (class skill) = +7) Ride (Dex) (+1 (ranks) +2 (Dex) +3 (class skill) = +6) Spellcraft (Int) (+1 (ranks) +3 (Int) +3 (class skill) = +7) Survival (Wis) (+1 (ranks) +3 (Wis) +3 (class skill) +2 (nature sense) = +9) Swim (Str) (+1 (ranks) +1 (Str) +3 (class skill) = +5)
Druid Spells: (normal selection) Save DC: 10 +3 (Wis) + spell level 0 (3) Save: 13 Detect Magic, Light, Stabalise 1 (2+1) Save: 14 Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Entangle(domain spell)
Carrying Capacity: (Light: 43 lbs, Medium: 44–86 lbs, Heavy: 87–130 lbs) (Lift over head: 130 lbs Lift off Ground: 260 lbs Drag 650 lbs) Carried: 40 lbs (light load)
Equipment: Scimitar (15 gp, 4 lbs) Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb) Sling + 10 bullets (1 sp, 5 lbs) Leather Armour (10 gp, 15 lbs) Spell Component Pouch (5 gp, 2 lbs) BackPack (2 gp, 2 lb) Bedroll (1 sp, 1 lb) Trail rations for 2 days (1 gp, 2 lbs) Waterskin (1 gp, 2 lbs) Flint and Steel (1 gp, -) Traveller's Outfit (-, 5 lbs)
Money: 32 gp, 8 sp
Post by mike on Jan 23, 2014 22:35:38 GMT
Planned Level Progression and Feat selection Feats in italics are class feats Level 1: Druid 1 Nature Bond (Domain: Plant), Nature Sense, Orisons, Wild Empathy Spell Focus (conjuration), Augment Summoning Level 2: Druid 2 Woodland Stride Level 3: Druid 2 / Wizard 1 (CL 3) Arcane Bond (Bonded Item), Arcane School, Cantrips, Scribe Scroll Brew Potion Level 4: Druid 3 / Wizard 1 (CL 3) Trackless Step Level 5: Druid 3 / Wizard 2 (CL 4) Craft Wondrous Item Level 6: Druid 3 / Wizard 3 (CL 5) Level 7: Druid 3(4) / Wizard 3(4) (CL 6) / Mystic Theurge 1 Combined Spells (1st) Craft Wand Level 8: Druid 3(5) / Wizard 3(5) (CL 7) / Mystic Theurge 2 Level 9: Druid 3(6) / Wizard 3(6) (CL 8) / Mystic Theurge 3 Combined Spells (2nd) Craft Magic Arms and Armour Level 10: Druid 3(7) / Wizard 3(7) (CL 9) / Mystic Theurge 4 Level 11: Druid 3(8) / Wizard 3(8) (CL 10) / Mystic Theurge 5 Combined Spells (3rd) Forge Ring Level 12: Druid 3(9) / Wizard 3(9) (CL 11) / Mystic Theurge 6 Level 13: Druid 3(10) / Wizard 3(10) (CL 12) / Mystic Theurge 7 Combined Spells (4th) Craft Rod Level 14: Druid 3(11) / Wizard 3(11) (CL 13) / Mystic Theurge 8 Level 15: Druid 3(12) / Wizard 3(12) (CL 14) / Mystic Theurge 9 Combined Spells (5th) Craft Staff Level 16: Druid 3(13) / Wizard 3(13) (CL 15) / Mystic Theurge 10 Level 17: Druid 4(14) / Wizard 3(13) (CL 15) / Mystic Theurge 10 Resist Nature's Lure, Wild Shape (1/day) (feat) Level 18: Druid 5(15) / Wizard 3(13) (CL 15) / Mystic Theurge 10 Level 19: Druid 6(16) / Wizard 3(13) (CL 15) / Mystic Theurge 10 Wild Shape (2/day) (feat) Level 20: Druid 6(16) / Wizard 4(14) (CL 16) / Mystic Theurge 10
Post by Stephen Mawson on Jan 24, 2014 11:06:10 GMT
That's fine.
Also you clearly have way to much free time on your hands if you've worked out your characters progression all they way to 20th level.
Post by Stephen Mawson on Jan 24, 2014 11:07:53 GMT
It probably wouldn't hurt for people to have a think about a potential want list for magic items and gear that your character would like to have. As that would help me to try and make sure that when I hand out magical stuff there aren't to many things that nobody in the party wants.
Post by steven on Jan 24, 2014 11:39:42 GMT
I have a "want list" for Magic items! 1. Some sort of spell that makes ladies powerless to resist my charms 2. A magic cloud to whizz around on like Monkey in the famous 70's show 3. Magic ability to see what the lottery numbers will be this weekend! 4. Magic ability with the dice like PTO has!!!!!!
Can i have this magic this Monday please!?
Post by Damon on Jan 30, 2014 13:23:46 GMT
Will it be OK to use the session on the 3rd to go through Character Sheets etc. - I want to be sure that I've got everything right & haven't missed something silly somewhere.
Plus, there's a good chance that one of you will be able to point out a better way of doing something!!
Post by chris on Jan 30, 2014 14:49:41 GMT
For my part that's fine by me. It's always good to explore the options. Gives me more time to paint a figure too.
Anyway I was just perusing the magic items section to put together a wish list and came across the ring of sustenance on page 483. That's a pretty awesome piece of kit for a spell caster who needs to rest! And quite low level too.
Pretty useless for Aela though unless she wants to spend most of the night reading books!
Post by Stephen Mawson on Jan 31, 2014 11:33:22 GMT
Not a problem.
So what we'll do is have a quick(ish) character review.
I'm going to want to make a note of character names and some basic stats, like perception, hide, etc.
Plus it'll also give me a chance to maybe spend 5 minutes with each player getting down any character motivations, potential magic item want lists, etc.
Then once we're done with that we can start with the initial introduction and stuff, so even if we do spend some time on finalising characters and things we should still be able to get the initial scene setting done and get the characters introduced to each other and the game underway, even if we don't get into the detail of what I've got planned initially.
Post by Damon on Jan 31, 2014 15:54:12 GMT
Excellent!! Many Thanks....
Post by chris on Jan 31, 2014 19:01:36 GMT
Dear Father Dungeon
I thought I would write and give a few suggestions for my treasure chests this campaign if you think I have been good enough. (Good enough on this instance probably depends on whether I have killed enough monsters, taken only my fair share of the loot, worked well with others, rolled my dice in the open, thought about my next action in advance, calculated my to hit and damage rolls correctly, remembered what my spells do, remembered or written down the name of the Oujimaflip we have been questing for on behalf of Thingamy the king of the Wotsits, filled out my character sheet, remembered my character sheet, and most importantly not made too many movie quotes or bad puns during tense story moments (oops)).
If you still think I deserve some loot might I suggest the following as possible options?:
A masterwork or magic greatsword A masterwork or magic javelin (possibly with returning?) A magic breastplate or (after lev 6) a magic set of full plate Any items that boost str, dex, ac, and saves
I'd also very much like to find any books or scrolls I can learn knowledge skills from such as musty old accounts of heroes exploits or memoirs of kings or catalogues of outsider beings or histories of the clans etc
A pair of magic glasses to read other languages would also be welcome
Oh and a low level bag of tricks sounds fun
Many thanks and hope that the little helper goblins are helping with the campaign preparations.
Aela (aged 20) (level zero and three quarters)
Post by chris on Feb 2, 2014 20:51:58 GMT
Just finished in time for the first game